United Presbyterian Church  2360 Longwood Ave., Reedsport, OR 97467  (541) 271-3214.  Pastor: (541) 218 7657

   Sunday Service: 10:30.  Office and Pastor's Hours: Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, 9:00 til 2:00; Saturday from 9:00 to 11:30.

Our Prayer Circle meets Wednesdays at 4pm.  All are welcome to take part.  Additionally, if you desire prayers, let US know and we will pray for you.

Last update: 06/29/2023

1.      Steve Miller: his stroke has made him immobile because he cannot move his left leg.

2.      Kathy Leaf: that her heart fibrillation be brought under control.

3.      Jewel Workman—tumor on eye which can’t be operated on for two months

4.      Athena—help with life's issues and mental stability.

5.       Global weather extremes.

6.      Other world problems, such as gun violence, homelessness, sexual abuse, world tensions, extreme weather, sexual confusion inanity, etc.

7.       Russia / Ukraine—may this insanity come to an end.

