United Presbyterian Church  2360 Longwood Ave., Reedsport, OR 97467  (541) 271-3214.  Pastor: (541) 218 7657

   Sunday Service: 10:30. Sunday School: 9:00. Pastor's Hours: Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, 9:00 - 2:00; Saturdays, 9:00 - 11:00.

         Last updated: 01/15/2025

John is our Lay Leader for Sunday, January 19.  The scriptures have alreay been uploadedClick here.



1.   Bible study is at 9:30 Sunday mornings.

2.   We have a potluck after church on the fourth Sunday of the month.  Our next one is Sunday, January 26.  If you were planning on visiting that Sunday, please come anyway and don't worry about bringing anything; there's always too much and we would love for you to stay and eat.  So come, knowing that you are welcome.

3 The Choir practice on Saturdays at 10AM.

4.  The NonProphets practice on Fridays at 1pm


For what's happening in Reedsport, Click Here


We are a very friendly and open church and we would be honored to have you drop in and check us out...and we hope you'll come back.

Homeless or in need of help? We have a limited amount of food, money and other items on hand.  However, you will need to come by—see church hours above.   

Looking for a place to meet?  Our church has rooms available during the week for meetings, classes, etc.